All About Safety Bunting FlagsAll About Safety Bunting Flags
Safety bunting flags are a perfect marking system for demarcating off certain parts of a construction site. Bunting is a simple system that consists of a series of flags that can be hung from staff or pole-mounted gantries. Red means “danger”, orange is used for “carelessness”, and yellow flags represent “unsafe”. This system works well when used to demarcate the safe area from the danger zone. Yellow flagging should be used at every entrance to the site, to ensure that no one enters the danger zone without respect for the law.
The Ultimate Guide To All About Safety Bunting Flags
Safety bunting flags have been in use in various industries for many years. They have now been incorporated into safety programs worldwide in order to reduce injuries caused by heavy machinery that operates at height. Reducing accidents related to heavy equipment has become a great priority for safety management professionals, who strive to maintain the health and well-being of their personnel while simultaneously reducing risk to the public at large. The bunting system has been greatly improved since its inception, and bunting flags today are designed to be very easy to use, install, and dismantle when needed. The red color signifies the danger zone, while yellow indicates the restricted access zone. By using safety bunting to demarcate the two zones, workers and site supervisors will know where to draw the line, and where not to draw it.
When planning a site that requires the use of safety flags, it is important to understand the basic installation process, including what type of flagpole or staff to be used, the required height and distance between flags, and the installation procedure itself. Using pre-cut industrial pole or staff height charts will help speed up the installation process, while ensuring that all other aspects of the job are carried out smoothly as well. Pre-cut Australian bunting charts can be obtained online and need to be delivered within three working days. Upon receipt, these charts are then cut by the specified size of cutter that is supplied with the set. Each cutter will be specific to the type of cutter used to cut the flag. After being trimmed, the flag pole or staff needs to be firmly fastened into place.