Day: December 2, 2023

The Best Massage Gun NZThe Best Massage Gun NZ

Massage guns have become increasingly popular in New Zealand as a means of alleviating muscle soreness, improving recovery and enhancing performance. While high-level athletes have the luxury of regular professional massages, many weekend warriors and amateur exercisers find a massage gun useful as an at-home muscle-repair tool. But which one is the best? With so many on the market, it can be difficult to make a decision. This article will help you narrow your options by reviewing some of the best massage guns available in NZ and highlighting some key factors to consider when making a purchase.Check this out :

Key Features to Look For

Some of the most important things to keep in mind when choosing a massage gun are noise level, speed settings, battery life and attachments. All of these will play a part in how comfortable you are using the device as well as its effectiveness. For example, quieter models tend to be less raucous and offer a more soothing experience. In terms of attachments, it’s also important to choose a model that has enough of them to allow you to reach all the major muscle groups with ease.

The Musclegun Massage Gun NZ is a great option for those looking for a good quality product at an affordable price. Based on the Hydragun which is sold across Australia and New Zealand, the Musclegun offers similar functionality at a much cheaper cost. With a 12mm amplitude, 11 speed modes and up to 8 hours of battery life this is a great choice for anyone who takes their training and recovery seriously.