Take Back Your MedsTake Back Your Meds
Many people have unused prescription or over-the-counter medication left over from past medications or from purchases at a pharmacy. This medication may find its way into the hands of children or pets who could ingest it accidentally, and can also be illegally sold or used for illicit drug abuse. This dangerous situation is a public health, public safety and national security issue. In response, the Drug Enforcement Administration hosts events twice a year and has permanent controlled substance public drop boxes for medication disposal.Learn more :takebackyourmeds.org
Review the packaging of your medications for special disposal instructions. Some prescription drugs are harmful if ingested by children or pets, and can even be fatal. These drugs should be disposed of immediately through a Take Back Your Meds event or permanent medication drop box. Many over-the-counter medicines can be safely thrown away, but it is important to read the label carefully, especially if the medicine has an expiration date.
Take Back Your Meds: A Guide to Safe Medication Disposal
Unwanted and expired medications can be dropped off at local drug collection sites, including pharmacies, police departments, county waste management districts, and environmental services departments. The Drug Enforcement Administration also sponsors National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day in April and October. You can also visit the online DEA collection site locator to find authorized collectors for year-round drug disposal. The DEA does not accept illicit substances or syringes and needles or e-cigarette cartridges with lithium batteries (see FAQ for more information). Some military pharmacies have permanent drop boxes to dispose of prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as vaping devices, provided the lithium batteries are removed from the device.