Day: January 18, 2024

How to Get Around TurnitinHow to Get Around Turnitin

how to get around turnitin

How to get around turnitin is a widely used plagiarism detection tool that helps to ensure originality in academic writing. It checks submissions against a huge database of online content including books, journals and previously submitted student work. It will then produce a similarity report which can be viewed by lecturers to help identify potential plagiarism within an assignment. This article explores some methods that students may use in order to get around turnitin, whilst maintaining the integrity of their own academic work.

The first method of getting around Turnitin is to make sure that all direct quotations are enclosed in quotation marks and that citations are provided for any written content that is not your own. It is also a good idea to paraphrase text rather than simply copying it. This will reduce the similarity score and make it more difficult for Turnitin to detect plagiarism.

Another way of getting around Turnitin is to use an online translator and then translate your writing into a different language. This can be particularly useful for engineering papers that are likely to have a lot of technical terminology that is unlikely to be understood by the lecturers.

This method is not foolproof and may be detected by your lecturer. It is also important to remember that the system will still pick up on certain word macros such as repeated words or substitution of letters. Using this method will probably not fool Turnitin for very long and is a poor replacement for proper research and citation.